USLF registered horse’s name and number: Conversano Georgeanna C536-08
Barn Name: Giovanni (Geo)

2017 overarching goal for this horse : First level dressage

intermediate goals:  

  • Calm and easy transitions into each gate without speeding up
  • return to riding after (rider) two surgeries and rehab
  • relaxation with arena work
  • trail riding in a variety of settings

Geo can be impatient at times in the arena, so my goal for him is to teach relaxing exercises in the arena. We already do stretching and massage. Starting today we will be doing free time in the arena together and spending more time focused on our bonding without bits, saddles or lunge line.
Geo already does showmanship well without a lead, but better outside the arena than inside.
I have had 2 major surgeries in the last year and had some long recovery time that did not allow me to ride. So starting today, I will be working with Geo 5 days a week for a minimum of 1 hour in the arena each day. We will continue our long walks and riding outside the arena on the many trails around my property.
My goal is to ease him back into riding but with his consent and participation. We already have a loving gentle bond, but he gets excited to be in the arena. I would like him to learn it is a place he can be comfortable and relaxed too. Once he is relaxed we would like to achieve our 1st level dressage status.
Geo does well on trail. A goal this year is to get back into trail riding with a friend and taking Geo to his favorite parks. He has never been to the beach, so a beach trip is another Goal.
If June Boardman has a group get together at her place in Goldendale, Geo and I would like to attend this year.