USLF registered horse: Pluto Matina P522-04

2017 Overarching Goals: Lightness and strength in lead changes and passage

Frodo Bow


2017 TRAINING LOG  26 hour 20 mins

Date: 4/28/17 through 5/5/17: My goal for this week was to continue on with lightness my aids and seat and his response as well as riding independence. I have also added in Counter Canter strengthening
comments about today’s training: Adding in the Counter Canter and transitions for strengthening was a really good idea. Counter Canter is a huge help in developing a horses canter /balance/cadence. Each ride we practice this and his canter gets better and better.

Pluto Matina

4/21/17 to 4/27/17: My goal for this week was to continue on with lightness my aids and seat, and his response as well as riding independence.  I have a recognized show coming up so I would like to transfer these results into the show ring
comments about today’s training: Each ride is becoming more of a partnership. Throughout the week there has been some good & some questionable moments 🙂 but all in all I feel we are still moving forward. And he is really going better than he has ever before.


Date: 4/13/17 to 4/20/17: My goal for this week was to continue with lightness in my aids and seat, and his response as well as riding independence
comments about today’s training: Frodo has responded so well to this goal. I always tell my students to ask for your aid and then be quiet or leave it alone. Putting it in a perspective such as Uta does ” Let the horse be Independent” adds a broader spectrum to it. This really hit home with me has changed my horses response for the better. Little did I realize that I was doing too much! Using my quieter aids, and letting him be independent. Before this, I was still but always looking for even more perfection in each movement. This really was a light bulb moment.

3/16/17: Pluto Matina aka Frodo: At this moment because of the Virgina Horse Festival next week my training goals are a little different. Here in Maryland this winter we have had so much spring weather. Up until last week it was over 60 degrees for many of the days in February. All of my mares are in season then March came and we had a foot of snow on March 14 and Frodo has been in since then. Well Frodo thinks its spring for a stallion its a good time for me not always so my goal is keeping him of sound mind and relaxed.
comments about today’s training: Well the training started with 15 or so min of me lunging him in the snow in each direction in the walk trot and canter which he did all with grace. As he decided to display lovely airs above the ground i am sure to express to me how he is enjoying being out of his box :). Next we tacked up and joined Sebastion and Jen for our quadrille practice. Our warm up was lots of serpentine and circles since he was still very tense after about 15 min of the serpentine and circles in each direction and when he got lighter in my hand and softer in his jaw we went on to trot and shoulder in. After warm up Jen and I then walked our quadrille course and rode it several times with our music. Its amazing when the music just fits and each footfall is its own beat we practice. Both boys did great and by the end Frodo was very relaxed and back to his old self.


2017 Journal Entries

Date: 05/23/17

Minutes of Training: 1 1/2 hour

Horse: Pluto Matina

Goal: We arrived around 3pm in Doswell, VA All of the horses unloaded and settled in well. Frodo did very well with hauling the two and half hour trip; my goal for tonight was for a relaxed brain and body .

Methods: We worked them in hand tonight just walking and Trotting him around all over the show grounds familiarizing them . As there was many things to see and smell 50 flags flapping, grates , signs, banners, tunnels, cows, foals, mares , and other studs then back to his stall for dinner and evening of rest.

Reflection: Although there was many horse eating items the only thing he spooked at was the grate so I think he handled it very well

Next Steps: Looking forward to tomorrow we will start out the same way..

Name: Melanie Adams

Date: 04/12/2017

Minutes of Training: 50

Horse: Pluto Matina

Goal: Finally received my Ula Graf book absolutely love the article about being a handicap rider and riding effortlessly. So My goal today is to see just how light my aids and seat and his response

Methods- be specific, give details: Some of my methods was my seat and just closing my outside hand for the halt. How light is he in the connection does he hang? Leg yield does he truly move off my leg? If my legs were not there does he move off my seat? In the canter is it balanced does he rush etc ?

Reflection: My reflection on this lesson was great I have a very forward and willing horse. Who follows my seat and can be light as a feather. Although he rushes a bit and was not truly moving off of my leg. So we will revisit this lesson and exercise for several weeks to come.

Next Steps: Definitely repeating this lesson for the next few weeks for a more attentive and in tune partner.

Date: 03/24/17 to 3/26/2017

Minutes of Training: 6.5 hours through out the days

Horse: Pluto Matina

Goal: Rhythm and Relaxation and to present and showcase ourselves to the public to increase awareness about our amazing breed.

Methods- be specific, give details: During the next couple of days it was all about relaxing and presenting ourselves during to the public to increase awareness. In the warm ups we did many transitions, to make sure he was on the aids/seat, lots of softening and bending through gymnastics exercises to keep relaxation Through out the weekend there were many spectators to see all the beautiful white horses.

Reflection: It is great to get your horses out and about even if it may make your nervous and you never know they may surprise you and be as good as gold and make someones day meeting a beautiful white horse.

Next Steps: I will be continuing with Rhythm and Relaxation training