2021 update:  Unfortunately Annya had a pasture accident, coupled with the laminitis I chose to humanely put her down.

22017 goals for this horse :

  • Keep her healthy & sound!
  • Improve response to my aids.
 “Hope never dies where faith is strong, and faith grows strong in the presence of hope.” (Chad Witmeyer)


I think I had good progress with the soundness part, as I worked to trouble shoot that right hind stiffness that has been plaguing us for many years, and that limited our trail riding the past two years. I looked at different bridles, both bitted and bitless as she leans on that right rein. Then, sort of by accident, discovered how much better she moves bareback. Could my dressage saddle be the original culprit? At the moment it seems like it. Despite having been re-flocked in spring 2017.
The aid response was lesser worked on, but, I find that she has better response bareback then under saddle.

KATHRYN & ANNYA’S 2017 TIME LOG:  87 hour   30 mins


Date: 5/26/17

Minutes of Training: 45

Horse: Annya

Goal: Work with an instructor to help with some strengthening exercises I can utilize to help strengthen that lazy right hind.

Methods- be specific, give details: Haven’t had a lesson in a long time. Instructor had me warm up walking and leg yield from quarter line to rail both directions, then the same at the trot. Later moved into using shoulder fore and shoulder in at both walk and trot to help encourage the hind legs to step under and carry Anya’s weight to help strengthen that low back and right hip that is weak. Other exercises the instructor suggested was to do 20 m circles and “enlarging” or slight leg yield on the open side, essentially creating a spiral down the length of the arena in 20 m circles.

Reflection: These exercises are not new to me, I had been using them already, so I was glad to know I was on the right track with employing these exercises to help Anya strengthen her low back and right hip. It was also good to have “a set of eyes on the ground” to confirm that what I was feeling was just a weakness, and not a lameness of some sort. I likely will have another lesson at some point, maybe sooner than a two year hiatus from lessons! This will likely help prevent me from going into ‘trail mode’, and help Anya to carry herself more on her hind end, to build and strengthen to ensure soundness for years to come.

Next Steps: I will continue to employ these exercises both on the trail and in the arena working to ensure Anya strengthens up well after the winter. No indoor here, so re-conditioning is necessary.

Date: 5/27/17

Minutes of Training: 45

Horse: Annya

Goal: Cowboy Mounted Shooting practice. Here is the more detailed journal entry for those who are interested in learning about this exciting and fun sport to do with your horse!

Methods- be specific, give details: I haven’t been doing mounted shooting long, started last year, so I am in no way an expert. (Disclaimer.) I am including links for reference. I have no video or pics of myself doing this yet.

First off, there are no actual bullets (projectiles) involved. The guns used are 45 caliber black powder guns, and shoot “blanks” or rounds without bullets (projectiles). The burning black powder that shoots out is what pops the balloons. But you certainly do not want to accidentally shoot your horse or yourself or anyone else with the burning black powder!

Oh, hearing protection is also recommended! For both human and horses. There are several styles of horse ear plugs available.

Most competitions are regulated by the Cowboy Mounted Shooting Association (CMSA) http://www.cmsaevents.com/home/. And there are about 70 different courses that are approved for competition. The courses consist of 10 balloons. The first 5 balloons are set up in a specific pattern the rider must navigate and shoot in the correct order. The rider then rounds a barrel, changes to the second gun (only 5 rounds per) and completes the run down, the last five. Video link (I hope it works- if not just search for cowboy mounted shooting videos): https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search;_ylt=A0LEVjDV1ipZSOMAXIonnIlQ?p=cowboy+mounted+shooting&fr=yhs-mozilla-001&fr2=piv-web&hspart=mozilla&hsimp=yhs-001#id=12&vid=6a556e196477441f14a56b9094e31188&action=view

To initially get started I attended a New Shooters Clinic, hosted by the local Wisconsin Cowboy Mounted Shooting group, Mounted Justice. http://mountedjustice.com/ They have a very effective way of helping horses and riders to become accustomed to the sport. I know mounted shooting groups in other states also offer new shooter clinics. What Mounted Justice members did was pair the new shooter horse/rider pair with and experienced members horse/rider pair. That way the new horse can learn from the herd mentality of the experienced horses. They started us out with our inexperienced shooting horses tied around the arena with the experienced horses alternating. The group then reviewed safety, the mechanics of shooting, etc, and new shooters practiced shooting the balloons on the ground. We then advanced to riding. First the new shooters just rode around the arena while the experienced shooters did the shooting. Then an experienced shooter rode next to the new shooter, at first the experienced shooter shot, then handed the new shooter the gun for the new shooter to shoot. By the end of the clinic all the new shooters were able to successfully ride a course that would be used in competition.

For practice at home, I do not yet own a black powder mounted shooting gun. I picked up a “starter gun” (meant for starting races- running/biking) from my local gun shop. It doesn’t shoot anything, just uses shotgun shell primers to make a bang. You could also use a child’s cap gun for starting home practice.

This series of videos put out by  MountedShooter.com also gives good advice for new shooters, including introducing your horse to mounted shooting. http://www.mountedshooter.com/new-shooter-series.html

Reflection: This practice session I did not have a second person available to help load the little primers, and I was mounted. Not wanting to drop the primers, I just dry fired the gun, making a click. Again, Anya and I are fairly new to this, so the little clicks are the best starting point. She was a little nervous at first, but settled right down and we walked and trotted up and down the gravel driveway aiming at random leaves, tree stumps, etc.

Next Steps: I will continue working with the starter gun, both without the primers and with the primers for a louder bang. Mounted Justice has practices several times per month, and fairly close to me. Once I finish replacing my trailer lights & wiring Anya & I will attend practices, with the possibility of doing a competition in the future.

Date: 7/30/17

Minutes of Training: 90

Horse: Annya

Goal: Currently working on strengthening her “lazy right hind.” Trail dressage today!

Methods- be specific, give details: I am continuing many of the exercises that the instructor I had out several months ago suggested. Shoulder fore, shoulder in/out, haunches in/out, leg yield. The “enlarging” on the circle and spiraling the circle down the arena is a bit more difficult as the neighbor who has the nice arena gifted the property to his daughter & son-in-law and I haven’t gotten a chance to meet her and confirm if I can continue to use the arena. She barrel races. So, mostly Trail Dressage. I also had done some thinking regarding that right hind, and how Anya likes to be held up off of that right rein and likes to lay on the right side of the bit. Despite my trying not to hold her, she still likes to try to “trick” me into it. Therefor, I decided to start riding more in my western bosel bridle, which is bitless. My thought was that if she didn’t have the option of leaning on the bit she would carry herself and balance herself off of her own four legs, thus strengthening that right hind herself.

Reflection: It seems to be working, this is a long-term goal of strengthening, with short term steps. The first steps are the trail dressage exercises I do, and the switch to the bitless bosel. She feels better, and more even under saddle. My farrier was recently out and commented how she appeared to be moving better with that right hind. I discussed my bitless theory with him and he whole-hardheadedly agreed, and feels that is already making a difference!

Next Steps: I will continue the varied trail dressage exercises as well as work with the bosel. I’m considering picking up a sidepull bitless bridle allowing for the bitless direct rein option, as the direct reining seems to offer a bit more finesse when doing some of the exercises at home. The bosel is neck-reining. I’m sure my sub-goals will change as she becomes stronger, working towards the ultimate goal of a stronger right hind.

Date: 12/10/17

Minutes of Training: cumulative

Horse: Annya

Goal: Still problem shooting that stiff right hind.

Methods- be specific, give details: This was more by accident – with the temps dropping we are going into Winter Mode, which is mostly bareback riding. Either completely bareback or with my bareback pad. Warmer that way!

Reflection: Anya felt much more even behind bareback- both using the bareback pad and completely bareback. She also seemed to be pushing off better behind, as well as much more up and through the back. Could my dressage saddle be the ultimate culprit? Even tho it was customed for her, but before I bought her 11 years ago? Even tho it has been re-flocked regularly by the saddlemaker who custom made it, and was re-flocked only this spring? Thinking about it, yes. I also recall, the clinics we did where I was in the saddle 4-6 hours for the clinic (the cow clinics and the mounted shooting clinic) she became quite irritable towards the end, tossing her head, stomping her hind legs, twitching about. Which is so not like her. And since I’ve been riding bareback my farrier noted “she’s moving better than she ever did!”

Next Steps: During the winter I will continue to ride bareback. Warmer that way! I will be sure to look into a western saddle come spring. A few years ago I tried a friend’s western saddle for a week. Even tho the seat was too big for me, it fit Anya great and she moved better in the western saddle than in my dressage saddle. I could have another saddlefitter look at my dressage saddle, but since I mostly trail ride now and want the saddlebags for my trail riding safety supplies the western saddle is a better choice.

DAILY GOALS appear with most current entries at the top.  Read either top to bottom, OR to begin at the start of her training year, scroll down and read up:

12/29/17: Just to get out for a ride! Bit warmer today!  comments about today’s training: Arctic blast here in Wisconsin, bit warmer today- a whopping 12 degrees. A heat wave! Light snow. Since it was in the double digits and minimal wind decided to hop on bareback, ride to the mail box “Pony Express” and enjoy a short ride. Before temps plummet again tomorrow… Love the Arctic Horse Riding Skirt, Anya and I stay so warm with that, despite the temps!

12/24/17: Snowy Christmas Eve ride!  comments about today’s training: Cold (17 deg) and snowy, but we got out. My riding skirt kept us warm and dry!

12/23/17: Snuck in a quick trail ride before getting ready for (one of the several over the next few days) Christmas dinners.  Love it!

12/20/17: Response to leg aids. Leg yield, etc.
comments about today’s training: Snuck in a ride before work. Great start to the day! 🐴

12/19/17: Response to aids, and a nice walk in the forest.   Beautiful day today, wanted to get a ride in before the winter weather returns here in WI!

12/15/17: Weather permitted a short ride after work, before too dark!
comments about today’s training: Warmer & not windy. Enough time for a short ride before too dark.

12/11/17: Get out for a ride before the temps drop to frigid cold tomorrow!
Welcome to winter riding.
comments about today’s training: Nice walk in the snowy lane.

12/10/17: Nice walk to supple that right hind.
comments about today’s training: Cold, at least the wind died down. Anya is always spooky with high winds. Plus the winds make it feel even colder!

12/8/17: Finally a chance to ride again!!! Even if it was short ride before it got dark!
comments about today’s training: It has been so ridiculously windy here I haven’t wanted to get on since Sunday. Always more spooky in the high winds. No indoor. Yea for riding again!!!

12/3/17: Nice stretchy walk and suppling while waiting for hay delivery.

12/2/17: Hill work to strengthen that R hind.

12/1/17:  Nice walk to stretch & supple the right hind.
comments about today’s training: Taking advantage of the nice days when I get home from work early. Bareback pad, Anya is really moving well behind. Much better with the right hind.

11/29/17: Nice energetic walk to stretch the legs and work on suppling exercises.  Love the trail rides!

comments about today’s training; (optional): Bareback pad. Anya is moving well with the bareback pad, better than the saddle. Much more over in the back and even behind.

11/28/17: Test out my new Arctic Horse Riding Skirt. I sure will be warm riding this winter! This will keep me & Anya much warmer this winter riding!  Click for photo of    photo of riding skirt

Goal: This changed during the ride- it was going to be enjoy a nice trail ride. But something was scary in the woods. Goal changed to work through the scary whatever it was.
comments about today’s training:  Worked through it, then decided to cut the ride short. End on a good note. And, since Anya had done a few good spooks, decided for my own safety too. As I get older the ground gets harder and I don’t bounce well. 🙂

11/25/17: Bareback vs saddle for that right hind.
comments about today’s training: Bareback, down to the mailbox and back. Up the big hill. Felt even. Then some trot work. Did about 15 min groundwork in the total for today too.

11/24/17: Pony express to the mailbox and some trot work. Used the dressage saddle today.  comments about today’s training: Put the dressage saddle on today, winds were up and I felt more secure in a saddle rather than bareback pad. Would have been fine with the bareback pad. Interesting to note- even on the short 1/2 mile to the mailbox and back (1 mile round trip) Anya felt more off on that right hind with the saddle on. Just had the saddle fitter out this spring and saddle re-flocked. Perhaps it is a saddle fit issue. Maybe have another saddle fitter check fit for second opinion. Or pick up that western saddle I have my eye on. Will have to go up the big hill on the drive with the bareback pad to compare- is it the stress of the big hill? Will have to explore further.

11/23/17: Early short trail ride before finishing making Thanksgiving dinner.
comments about today’s training: Happy Thanksgiving!  Love the trail rides!

11/20/17: Stretching easy ride. Testing my bareback theory.
comments about today’s training: Good to be back on again. Rode before work. Nice!

11/15/17: Testing bareback with R hind stiffness theory.

11/14/17: Energetic and stretchy walk in the forest.
comments about today’s training: Love the trail rides!  Brief ride, getting dark early. Waved to the herd of five doe along the trail. Interesting to note- now that it is getting darker sooner & is colder – I have switched to mostly bareback (warmer and faster tacking up process) Anya seems to move better with that right hind. More even. Much more through, and over in the back. Will continue to note and will journal re this with my observations.

11/11/17: nice (chilly) walk in the forest.
comments about today’s training: Can’t beat forest trail rides. Had to put my old cat down this morning. Nice ride for my soul.

11/8/17: Stretchy walk with shoulder/haunches in/out.
comments about today’s training:  Good suppling.  Added challenge of bareback. Warmer that way!

11/7/17: Nice stretching ride.
comments about today’s training: Days getting shorter & colder…

11/5/17: Short trail ride with trail dressage.
comments about today’s training: Looked like possible rain, kept the ride short. But good to get out!   Love the trail rides!

11/4/17: Groundwork. Anya is good on the ‘near’ side, needs more work on the ‘off’ side. She tends to be a bit less aware of space on that side, bulging her shoulder into me at times and pushing ahead of me at times.  continue this goal: Need to work on improving “off side” response.
comments about today’s training: After a few days off due to installation of automatic waterer and paddock dry lot gravel & grading finally a chance to work again. Around the cold rain today.

10/29/17: Beautiful trail ride in the forest.
comments about today’s training: Lots of strengthening hills, and trail dressage. Beautiful day!  Love the trail rides!

10/28/17: Trail dressage.  Good suppling excercizes on the trail.

10/26/17: Flexibility.  Suppling and strenthening exercises are always good!
comments about today’s training: Just at a walk, little puffy in the right front, went down with walking. Did shoulder & haunches in/out on the trail.

10/25/17: Burn off the “piss & vinegar!”  Lots of trot for strengthening.
comments about today’s training: Anya was “feeling her oats.” She doesn’t get any oats. She doesn’t even get grain. Weather change, 50 degrees and sunny this afternoon. And finally no rain. Anya was happy to get out and do trot and canter work on our lane. Even “jumped” the fallen (little) tree branch. And tried to throw in a few little bucks just ’cause she was feeling good!

10/23/17: Groundwork  Always a good refresher.
comments about today’s training: A day without rain! A bit of groundwork to stretch both Anya & my legs & work on response to my ground cues.

10/21/17: Strengthening hill work, and Pony Express, picked up the mail.  this goal: Hills are great for hindquarter strengthening.
comments about today’s training: Winter is coming, 😦 Snuck a quick ride in today around yard work. Looks like rain and snow showers in the 10 day forecast.

10/20/17: Glorious ride in the forest!…continue this goal  As long as the weather is good!

comments about today’s training; (optional): I wish I could attach a picture.

10/17/17: Nice walk & trot in the forest.  Love the trail rides!
comments about today’s training: Taking advantage of these nice days! Don’t really want to think about it, but winter is coming… Cold & dark…

10/16/17: Nice relaxed (short) ride in the forest.  Love the trail rides!

10/15/17: Groundwork.  Always good to work on groundwork responses.
comments about today’s training: Windy today! Lots of distractions from the task on hand, so good groundwork challenge.

10/14/17: Short ride to get out and stretch & supple.  this goal: Work in progress!
comments about today’s training: Finally a break in the rain! Farrier out this morning then a quick ride before rain starts again.

10/8/17: Walk & trot in the lane for strengthening, and nice cool down walk out to the bee yard.  Continue strengthening exercises.
comments about today’s training: Finally stopped raining!

10/4/17: Walk & trot on the trails in the forest.  Love the trail rides!

comments about today’s training; (optional): Rain in the forecast for the next few days, may not be able to ride with no indoor! Getting two barn kittens tomorrow 🙂

10/3/17: Nice relaxed ride.  What fun!

10/1/17: Another beautiful ride in the forest!  Love the trail rides!

Date: 9/30/17: Nice relaxed ride in the forest.  Love the trail rides!
comments about today’s training: Beautiful day for a trail ride!

9/29/17: Strengthen the right hind.  continue this goal. Suppling and strenthening exercises are always good!

9/27/17: Just to have a nice ride!  Love this goal!
comments about today’s training: Finally, cooler weather! A week of 90+ & humid, very unusual for this time of year in Wisconsin!

9/22/17: Groundwork: Always a good refresher!
comments about today’s training: Too hot & humid for anything else. And fall vet visit today. First day of Autumn and 90 degrees & humid in Wisconsin!

9/18/17: Continue bridle testing: Almost complete!  See journal entry below for results.
comments about today’s training: Beautiful eve for a ride around the property!

9/17/17: Testing & comparing bridles.

9/16/17: Easy walk today, testing bridles, but unseasonably hot & humid.
comments about today’s training: Continue testing.  Almost had a second ride. Neighbor’s cattle got out. Fortunatly they rounded them up quick, but Anya likes working cows! 🐴🐮

9/15/17: Groundwork.
Always a good refresher!

9/13/17: Groundwork
comments: Always a good refresher!

9/12/17: Continue comparing bridles. And a nice trail ride. 🙂  comments: Love the trail rides!

9/10/17: Continue comparing bridles.

Date: 9/9/17: Still comparing bridles.
comments about today’s training: Rode down to the mailbox (1/2 mile) picked up my mail and my neighbor’s mail. Anya was honored to carry a very important piece of mail to my neighbor’s son- his official final Honorable Discharge paperwork from our United States Marine Corps.

9/8/17: Continue comparing bridles.

comments about today’s training: Finally a day where it doesn’t look like it may rain at any second. A chance to ride! 🙂

9/4/17: Still comparing bridles.

9/3/17: Testing the new sidepull bridle.
comments about today’s training; (optional): Will journal comparisons of bridles once testing complete.  Beautiful ride, so much more fun to traverse the property via horseback checking firelanes, the lanes to the pond, etc than via foot or atv! Also did some trot work testing out the sidepull bridle.

9/2/17: Groundwork.   comments:  Always a good refresher!

8/31/17: Test out the new sidepull bridle.  comments: Further testing needed. 

8/26/17: To have a better ride than yesterday!
comments about today’s training: Much better ride today! Tested the new sidepull bridle. Just an inexpensive one from Jeffers Equine. Had to “jerry-rig” it to fit- Anya is a cross between horse & warmblood size. Used a nylon spur strap to help make the noseband large enough. Worked well, I like it!

8/25/17: Goal kept changing…
comments about today’s training: One of those rides that started ok, but got worse before it got better…

8/23/17: Nice relaxed ride tonight!

8/20/17: Nice trail ride today.

8/19/17: Nice relaxed trail ride after yesterday’s harder arena work.
comments about today’s training: Love this goal!

8/18/17: strengthen right hind
comments about today’s training: Arena work today. Lots of distractions, first had to walk past the immediate neighbor’s house where his sons are helping him to re-roof his house. Blaring radio, boom truck, boys running on the roof & yelling, nail guns firing. Then the cattle & goats pastured next to the arena were making a ruckus. Overcame it all & had a great ride. Used the neighbor’s barrel racing barrels as center points for our work, and even did a mini barrel pattern- but with 10 meter circles. On our way back home we stopped in at the neighbor having the roof re-done. Anya took it all in stride, and got a lot of attention from the boys’ girlfriends. 🙂 (I hope I’m not submitting this twice- my cat thinks he’s helpful when I’m typing…)

8/16/17: Mounted shooting practice. 🙂
comments about today’s training: Warmed up with some walk/trot/canter, then mounted shooting practice. So proud of Anya- training her myself to tolerate this.  What fun!

8/15/17: Strengthen right hind

8/13/17: Trail dressage to help loosen & strengthen that right hind.

8/10/17: Response to my aids.
comments about today’s training: Groundwork, thunderstorms in the area. Must work on the off-side more, she is more responsive to my ground aids from the near side than the off side.

8/9/17: Strengthening & suppling that right hind.
comments about today’s training: Late entry. Walk/trot/canter in the lane, after a warm up out the bee yard. She felt a bit more off ,  on that right hind. Wonder if it correlates with the arena work- the circles- from the weekend. Will have to take that into consideration.

8/6/17: Strengthen that right hind.
comments about today’s training: Trail dressage, light ride today after yesterday’s harder arena work.

8/5/17: Strengthen that right hind.
comments about today’s training; (optional): Arena work. Finally met (or re-met) the new neighbor. I didn’t want to assume she and her husband would continue to allow my use of the arena since they took over their farm, even though her parents allowed me to use the arena. Of course I could she said. She even brought it up. So- after several months of no arena, I can do arena work again. The arena allows me to do some of the exercises the instructor I had out a few months ago suggested I work on with Anya to help strengthen that right hind. Some work I can do on the trail, and some needs the arena. I used the bit bridle today, as Anya hasn’t been in the arena for a while and hasn’t seen the cattle and goats for a few months. No concerns. I will use the bosel next time I use the arena and compare the differences. Have ordered the sidepull. Will journal about it once I have done my “testing.” 🙂

8/2/17: Strengthen & supple that right hind.
comments about today’s training: Warm up ride out to bee yard, then walk/trot/canter in lane. Along with shoulder & haunches in/out.

7/29/17: Strengthen that R hind.
comments about today’s training: Joined by my dad & his yellow lab, Max, today. Short ride, as both my dad & Max have some arthritis. Beautiful day!

7/28/17: Strengthen that R hind
comments about today’s training: Beautiful day! Bugs bad on trails, stayed on the roads. Trail dressage! 🐴

7/25/17: Strengthen R hind.
comments about today’s training: Nice weather again today! Rode. Did walk/trot/canter in the lane. After a warm up walk out to the bee yard. Bees look happy, Anya was pleased to inform “dad.” That right hind felt good, such a relief to have the farrier say he feels it is getting better and my idea with the bosel not allowing her to lean on the bridle is helping!

7/24/17: Nice relaxed trail ride!
comments about today’s training: Finally a break in the heat and humidity! Anya was so happy to go for a ride, could feel how energetic she was in her step! Even just a short ride, out to the bee yard, and up & down the fire lanes, she was so happy! I too was starting to get depressed from not riding recently because the heat index was so crazy high! Yea!!!

7/22/17: Groundwork to help with aids and stretch that right hind.
comments about today’s training: Hot & very humid. Good news, farrier out today. He felt that right hind looks much better. I discussed my theory of the bosel bridle and not giving her something to lean on to cheat on using that right hind. He agreed completely. (Excellent farrier, wouldn’t change farriers if you paid me. He has known Anya since she was born, and knows how heavy she was in that right rein when first broke to ride. His wife is the dressage instructor I rode with years ago, who I bought Anya from when Anya was still very green broke. She had Anya’s dam (Ama) and she bred Anya x2 to her late lipi stallion (Maestoso III Sabrina) and has Anya’s two babies in her barn yet to the best of my knowledge.)

7/21/17: Response to aids.
comments about today’s training: Groundwork tonight, very hot & humid with pending storms. I am in Wisconsin, right? Not back in Montgomery Texas, right? With this humidity I feel like I’m back in TX!

7/19/17: Continue work on that right hind.
comments about today’s training: Slightly less hot & humid today. Slightly. Hopped on for a short ride in the shade of the gravel lane. An advantage of the bosel is she can’t lean on the bit, the disadvantage is I don’t have the bit for the subtle rein cues. She does better with the flexibility exercises under saddle with the bit bridle, as I can finesse my rein cues much better. I think both bridles have their place!

7/18/17: Groundwork. Response to my aids.
comments about today’s training Hot & humid. Ground work. I planned a nice slow walk with groundwork exercises. Anya thought she could ‘hurry through’, she wanted to go eat grass. Had to remind her she goes my pace, however fast or slow that may be. As Buck Brannaman teaches, the horse should match my pace, be a fast march or “old man walk.” Today’s heat & humidity called for the “old (wo)man walk!” 🙂

7/16/17: Trail ride to help strengthen and supple that right hind.
comments about today’s training: Worked on shoulder/haunches in/out to help supple, with all the rain the bugs are out in force! Roads only. Thought about riding into town to get more fly spray- the local small town has corals for horses ridden into town with water available, and the local hardware store carries horse supplies! Gotta love it! But that would have been a 3 hour round trip horseback walking on the roads and I didn’t have saddlebags with my trail safety supplies for that long of a trip.

7/15/17: Nice relaxed ride and stretching/suppling of that right hind.

7/11/17: Groundwork aides
comments about today’s training: Hot & humid pending rain. If the horse doesn’t respect you on the ground, the horse will have less respect for you in the saddle. I use a combo of many groundwork techniques I’ve learned over the years from many different trainers. No specific school of thought.

7/9/17: Nice relaxed trail ride today.
comments about today’s training: Beautiful day. Used the bit bridle today, probably would have been fine along the road with the bosel. Yesterday she was a bit nervous when I got to the road by the mailbox, but there was an external factor not related to Anya or I. That is why I used the bit today. Noted she doesn’t move over as nicely with the bit as the bosel- move over, tree branch! She tends to move her head the direction I ask but not her body till I more strongly enforce my cue. Next time I will use the bosel and see what differences I note.

7/8/17: Using the bosel bridle to determine if that helps that lazy right hind by not allowing her to try to “lean” on the bit.
comments about today’s training: Rode out to get the mail (Pony Express!) and worked around the property today. Lots of hills on my property- good for hindquarter strengthening.

7/7/17: Working on improving response to my aids
comments about today’s training: Bosel bridle. She responds better to move over, leg yield, turn on haunches and forehand. Not as well with shoulder/haunches in/out I use for flexibility and stretching. Each bridle has its benefits and detriments. I feel that she doesn’t lean on the bridle with the bosel and that may help force her to carry herself on her own four legs rather than trying to get me to hold her up with the bridle. I will work harder with the shoulder/haunches in/out with the bosel. If that is still difficult to achieve, I will plan on alternating and using which bridle better suits my overall intent for the ride that day.

7/6/17: Response to my aides on the ground.

7/4/17: Response to my aids.    Change of plan today, see comments for details. Interesting to note my observations of Anya’s improved response to my aids while using the bosel bridle.
comments about today’s training: Happy 4th!!! Change of plans today. Was going to enjoy a nice trail ride. But… brought Anya in from pasture and noted swollen L hind fetlock and large superficial scrape, scabbed over. Seemed sound, so decided a nice walk around the property would be a good idea with that leg. Saddled up, used the bosel bridle and grabbed the mounted shooting training gun. Anya walked fine on that leg, so no worries. Interesting to note she seems to respond better to my cues when I use the bosel. Is it because there is no bit for her to lean on (as she likes to do especially the right rein)? Or am I somehow giving more clear cues from my seat and legs and weight? Or both? Or something else? I wonder if that will help that stiff/lazy right hind get stronger as she can’t even try to lean on the bridle with the bosel? Took the bit bridle into the house for now, so I keep using the bosel.

7/2/17: Inspired by a recent post on USLF fb page, I decided to finally shoot my bow off of Anya! Mounted archery work today!!!
comments about today’s training: Anya never flinched, all my prep work paid off. She acted as if her rider shooting arrows off of her was something she has done all her life. Sweet!!!

7/1/17: Today just get out for a nice relaxed ride!
comments about today’s training: Lazy today, bareback with the bosel bridle. I should use the bosel more often. She tends to lean on the bit at times. No bit- she needs to hold herself up!

6/30/17: Flexibility & suppeling, especially for our “lazy right hind.”
comments about today’s training: Hot & humid, but a day without rain. Will need either an ark or a very large house boat soon!

6/28/17: Response to cues.
comments about today’s training: Break in the rain. Ground work. Stop when I stop, and don’t move till I say. Picked up the garbage & recycle totes as we walked doing ground work. I could use a yoke to put one tote on one side of her, the other tote on the other side. That would challenge her! Lots of stop, move a bit as I pull the tote, stop, move again. Plus, a rattling tote being pulled behind. What a good Pony!!!

6/27/17: Response to my aids.
comments about today’s training: Thought I’d just do a short ride out to the bee yard, check if the bees need feed, then check the fire lanes. Well, Anya got into “trail mode” mindset and decided she could ignore my cue to stop as we were heading down a hill on one of the fire lanes. Low hanging sapling/tree branches – she barged through. We had a bit of a discussion regarding “whoa means whoa.” Then I made her tell “dad” when we got back what happened… 🙂 That she ran “mom” through a tree branch… Anya will have to help me to trim the branches, I can reach higher with the nippers while on her. So… We worked then on “whoa means whoa” – no room for discussion. Even in “trail mode.” “Dad” said she didn’t even look sheepish- too big and not woolly enough… ha!

6/25/17: Continue the work on response to my aids.  She was so non-responsive the last time I felt I needed to re-enforce for my next ride.
comments about today’s training: Rain actually not in the forecast for today- was hoping to get out for a nice long trail ride, but was cut shorter that I had hoped due to a fallen tree across the trail with no way over or around via horseback. But I did get much better response to my aides- low hanging tree branch- move over now. Whoa means stop. Not hesitate, then slowly start walking again… Much better today.

7/23/17: Response to my cues.
comments about today’s training; (optional): Intended on a quiet ride, but discovered less than satisfactory response to cues. Move over, low tree branch; I said whoa- not hesitate … then one step… then another.. then another. then another then walking again.

6/21/17: Flexibility & suppling.
comments about today’s training: Rode in my lower field, Anya can be quite stiff at times. I slacked with all the trail riding last year and didn’t encourage her to be as supple as she should be. The Uta Graf book study, Uta references tension and relaxation and suppleness starting about page 51. My own seat can affect Anya’s tension, and Uta discusses this on page 55. Interesting to see the correlation and application with the book study and my own work with Anya.

6/20/17: Suppling R hind
comments about today’s training: Short trail ride. Haunches & shoulders in & out. R hind feeling better!

6/18/17: Relaxation today!  Continue as necessary. Most days she’s really relaxed, but some not.  comments about today’s training: Weather change, front came through last night. Nice & cool today, but windy. Got Anya’s spirits up. Worked on relaxing. Dis-engaging hindquarters into haunches in/out, moving shoulders in/out, sidepass. Not get stiff and start jigging. The dis-engagement helps prevent the stiff jigging. Anya tends to “brace” on the right side of the bit when nervous, throwing her shoulders to the right. Also worked on me, keeping my seat soft giving her the “relaxation” cues with my own seat and not “holding” her up on the right rein as she wanted me to do so she could stiffly jig. By chance met up with the neighbour who was riding a young Arab. Neither horse was relaxed. Challenge for both of us!

6/13/17: Suppling & strengthening.
comments about today’s training: Worked on shoulder & haunches in/out to help supple an stretch those hindquarters! And my form with that. No contortionist moves 🙂 That right hind is feeling stronger!

6/11/17: Suppling and strengthening.
comments about today’s training: Hot & humid. Walk in shady drive, worked on shoulder in/fore, haunches in & out. Anya tends to be a contortionist. She tries to contort her body so I think she is doing the shoulder or haunches in/out but in actuality she is not. I have to be more aware of my own body too- maintain my own form when asking these movements, as much as she tries to “fool” me into collapsing because she is collapsing and evading the hard work of carrying herself on the hindquarters or that hind leg I’m trying to strengthen & supple.

6/10/17: Strengthening & suppeling on the trail.
comments about today’s training: Beat the sweltering heat today, on the trail by 0700!

6/9/17: Strengthening & suppling, one of my main goals. . As well as response to aids- move aside, low tree branch!
comments about today’s training: Hot & humid, short ride to bee yard then the fire lanes on our property. Nice & cool in the shade of the forrest on the lanes & nice hills too!

6/8/17: Strengthening on the trail. Lots of hills.

comments about today’s training: Hills are great! The access trail to get to the main trails is now open again! The DNR was doing some logging work in that area of the forrest.

6/5/17: Strengthening.
comments about today’s training: Rode out to the bee yard, checked on the bees. (If only hubby would build me a hitching posts out there- I could ride out with bee feed, etc) and then a short trail ride, so many hills here, great for strengthening the hindquarters!
6/4/17: Groundwork. Response to me on the ground. Respect my space, walk where I ask you to. Halt when I ask. Anya will halt….then one step….then another…and another..and another and then she is walking again. When I hadn’t asked her to. Manners. Good on the ground equates to good under saddle too.

comments about today’s training: Anya is better on the “near” side. Need to continue work on both sides but especially the “off” side.

6/2 & 6/3/17: Improve response to my cues.
comments about today’s training: 6/2- groundwork & 6/3 under saddle

5/31/17: Strengthening & suppeling.
comments about today’s training: Nice evening. Had to put a cat down yesterday, so good for my soul to go for a nice ride.

Date: 5/29/17: Strengthening by doing hill work on the trail.
continue this goal: Yes, continue to strengthen hindquarters.
comments about today’s training: Beautiful morning to be on the trail!

Date: 5/28/17: Suppling and strengthening exercises. As well as improve response to my aides.
comments about today’s training: Hill work today, as well as leg-yield, shoulder fore & shoulder in on the trail. Turn on forehand and haunches as well.   Suppling and strenthening exercises are always good!

5/25/17: Continue arena work on strengthening and responsiveness to aides.
comments about today’s training: Work in progress!  Had an instructor out recently; she helped me with some good exercises to utilize for strengthening that lazy R hind! Worked on those exercises she gave me.

5/24/17: Groundwork- response to my aids on the ground.
continue this goal: Always good to work on groundwork responses.
comments about today’s training: Will it ever stop raining? Break in the rain, good for groundwork! Anya was eager tonight, had to remind her several times, no walking in front of my shoulder, no pulling me along. No trying to trick me, “oh- an itch… grass!”

5/22/17: Continue strengthening & suppling work.
comments about today’s training: Rode to the apiary to check the new bee hives!

5/21/17: Suppling & strengthening exercises on the trail.
Will continue this goal; Suppling and strenthening exercises are always good!

5/19/17:  groundwork during break in cold/wind/rain today. Worked on response to my aids on the ground. Both “near” and “off” sides.
Will continue this goal: Need to work on improving “off side” response.
comments about today’s training: Brief break in the cold & wind & rain today. This is May, right? Groundwork. Worked on Anya’s attention to me. I expect her to pay attention to me- my pace (fast, moderate or my “old man walk” as Buck Brannaman puts it). My direction, whether I’m walking in a straight line, or “staggering” from one side of the lane to the other like a drunk, or walking in circles – she maintains her head at my shoulder. And response to my cues. If I turn around and look a her a certain way it means back up. Or another type of look means move the haunches, or the shoulders, or sidepass. If you don’t have the respect and response on the ground, you will have less under saddle.